Thursday 19 April 2012

The Art of Nature And The Essence Of
Creative Image
 By: Fely Sorensen

The art of photography is more than a visual art in a sense that taking images of our nature world is an internal appreciation of balance, harmony and beauty. The beauty of nature reflected in art is just another reminder of our need to protect it. Being outdoors can lift our spirits and stoke our creativity.
From the beginning of human history nature has played a vital role in our creative expression. The land and waters we rely on for daily survival shape how we view and interpret the world around us.  And in turn, The image or photograph we shoot and create from nature's inspiration becomes part of our personal creativeness.            

 "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others." --- Jonathan Swift

Color, Shape and Form

The visual language of color, shape and form evoke mood and emotion. Soft pink color of a rose for example, represents compassion, nurturing and love. It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and the giving and receiving of nurturing.

Color is a form of non verbal communication. It is not a static energy and its meaning can change from one day to the next with any individual - it all depends on what energy they are expressing at that point in time.

Center of Interest

Center of interest or focal point of an image is essential that leads the eye of the viewer to a resting place. When you look at the image above your eye draws you to the filament of the flower.


Abstract Macro, another technique that challenge our artistic talents in a challenging photography situation. Composition elements become even more important when our minds don't immediately identify objects. Focal point of the image

Tonal Value Contrast

Tonal Value Contrast (light vs. dark) is the most powerful visual magnet. The viewer's eye is naturally drawn to areas where light and dark are clearly distinguished. Rock fissures or crevices are good subjects.

Curved Lines

Curved lines are generally used to create a sense of flow within an image. They are also generally more aesthetically pleasing  compared to straight lines.  Curved lines of red rock created by nature over time provide a greater dynamic influence in an image.

Triangular Geometric Shapes

Geometrical shapes like circle, square, and triangle the strongest shape because any added force is evenly spread through all three sides. Organic shapes are associated with things from the natural world. The image above has few triangular shapes and the most obvious is the triangle in the center, between rocks wall, a puddle of water, a triangular shape is created and is  the center of interest that draws viewer's eye.

Center of interest is that part of the picture which attracts the mind.  The center of interest acts as an “attention grabber.” It commands the viewer’s curiosity or mental concentration, and it’s the part of the picture that we find naturally fascinating.

Repetition, Rhythm and Pattern

Repetitions, rhythm and pattern of one object or shape can become striking, it's like in music if you take a sound and repeat it, not only changes in itself but change our mood. It's like the beat of music with rhythm and melody. A pile of lumber in the photograph showing uneven repetitive circular pattern to create interest, movement, harmony, unity and strengthen the image.


Texture stimulates two different senses, sight and touch. It is the element of an object that refers to the way things feel if touched. Texture creates that visual effects and  focused on realism. Sequoia trunk and its bark very thick, spongy, rough, and fibrous with thick cork layer that draws attention to the viewer.

Positive Space

Positive space in an image is the space occupied by an object or subject.  The idea of positive space is to complement and balance the concept of negative space. The positive space in an image,  is therefore the space occupied by the form of the subject itself. A positive effect of a negative space can give a photograph an entirely different atmosphere for an abstract photography.

Negative Space

Negative space gives the subject fully appreciated by the viewer.  The empty space can add dramatic effect and the focal point is directly to the center of interest. 

Subtraction technique is  used, with a good vision and creative thinking of what you want to achieve the outcome is quite amazing and rewarding by eliminating clutters.

The Rule of Thirds

Although following the rules is not exciting at times but it is necessary to recognize the compositions and techniques of abstract imaging to produce effective and dramatic images that draw viewer's attention.

Digital Abstract Expressionism is an expression of the imagination in non grammatical ways that are not tied to the formality of spoken or written language, rather provides a range of forms, colors, symbols, lines and ideas with meanings that are malleable.

It's an art of expression, communication of emotion, mood and other qualities. Therefore, it is all depends on the viewers' perception.

Digital Abstract Expressionism

Original Image

To achieve digital abstract expressionism, there are things to be considered: first and foremost a good subject that qualify of what you want to achieve, artistic imagination, experimentation, process, digital enhancement and time to explore possibilities.

Imaginary Points

Imaginary Lines or Points, with careful visualization together with artistic imagination and can create a triangular form of abstract art by connecting imaginary lines from point to point.  It challenges one's creativity but the end result is a satisfying and pleasing image.

Imaginary Points or Lines (Original Image )

Understanding abstract all it requires is an open mind and a big and creative imagination. It gives you freedom to explore the artwork and assign your own meaning and enriches viewer's experience.

Abstract art has  its ability to convey emotional or expressive feelings and ideas without reliance upon or reference to recognizable objective forms already existent in reality.

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